Arkansas Trucking Association

You are here: Home Article Archive Gov. Sanders Declares Truck Driver Appreciation Week in Arkansas

Gov. Sanders Declares Truck Driver Appreciation Week in Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – In an executive proclamation, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders officially declared Sept. 10-16, 2023, Truck Driver Appreciation Week in Arkansas. During this week, the Arkansas Trucking Association, along with American Trucking Associations and the entire trucking industry, celebrates the 3.5 million professional truck drivers who work each day to deliver America’s freight safely as part of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

“Professional truck drivers deliver goods to every home, community, school, and business in Arkansas. In times of prosperity or times of crisis, Arkansas’ and our nation’s economy rides on the shoulders of professional drivers who bring what we need every day to thrive, and survive, build and rebuild our lives across the state,” Gov. Sanders said in the proclamation.2023TMAF 48x14 Driving Force Charles and Otis Page 2

This year’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week runs from Sept. 10-16, 2023. The Arkansas Trucking Association is commemorating the occasion, as it has for the past two decades, by inviting truck drivers travelling along I-40 to join them at the TA Petro Stopping Center for a free hot lunch, refreshments and tokens of gratitude on Thursday, Sept. 14. More than 15,000 trucks travel on this route east of North Little Rock each day.

ATA has also launched a billboard campaign around the state throughout September to remind the motoring public that “trucking is the driving force” behind every business and behind the growth of our economy.

“Whether recovering from a natural disaster or simply gearing up for a Friday night football game, professional truck drivers work through the night, in any weather, and even on holidays to bring everything you need,” said ATA President Shannon Newton. “National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is an opportunity to recognize the men and women behind the wheel of the trucks beside us on the road, to say ‘thank you’ to these 3.5 million professionals for delivering every single day.”

This week, the Arkansas Trucking Association invites all citizens to join the industry and Gov. Sanders in public and private displays of gratitude for the people behind every package on our doorsteps and product on the shelves.

The Arkansas Trucking Association would like to extend its appreciation to several member companies for their support and donations for this year’s Truck Driver Appreciation Day event: ABF Freight; Acuity Insurance; Aon; Bowerman Trucking, Inc.; C.C. Jones, Inc.; Cummins Sales & Service; Fastest Labs; Great West Casualty Company; J.B. Hunt Transport; Loggins Logistics, Inc.; McKee Foods Transportation; Motive; Ozarko Tire Centers, Inc.; PrePass; Rich Insurance Services; Star Transportation LLC; Truck Drivers USA and Tyson Foods.

To learn more about how essential truck drivers are to their communities and the economy, visit

Contact Us

Arkansas Trucking Association
PO Box 3476 (72203)
1401 West Capitol Ave.
Suite 185
Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 372-3462 | Phone
(501) 376-1810 | Fax

Our Mission

  • PROTECT the collective interests of trucking companies in the political and regulatory arenas.
  • PROMOTE the dynamics of trucking so that people have a better understanding of the link between America's primary freight delivery system and the standard of living they enjoy.
  • SERVE our members to help them to grow their business and their profits
You are here: Home Article Archive Gov. Sanders Declares Truck Driver Appreciation Week in Arkansas